WWC check requirements for volunteers

Did you know there have been changes to the Working With Children legislation? This affects volunteer parents, grandparents, classroom helpers, canteen, P&C and sports day volunteers.

All parent volunteers are now required to complete a Parent Volunteer Exemption Form (not required to hold a WWC screening). This includes classroom helpers, canteen volunteers and sport day volunteers.
Grandparents, siblings and extended family must hold a current Volunteer WWC and are not covered by the exemption.

Please see the school office if you intend to volunteer at school and we can assist to have the correct paperwork in place. Also a reminder that all visitors to school must sign in at the front office, including canteen staff and volunteers and parent helpers.

Parent Declaration Form can be downloaded and sent to the school front office.

WWCC applications can be submitted at Australia Post. If you require a WWCC application form to be co-signed please visit the school front office.

Further reading about WWCC requirements can be found here